[美国版]Vman 高端男性时尚杂志 2009-2014年合集珍藏版N15-N32(18本)

2014年12月14日 0 条评论 1.99k 次阅读 0 人点赞

美国男模杂志是一本闻名于美国的男士服装时尚杂志,该杂志展现了全新的美丽,成功抓住了歌迷和时尚界人士的视线,在美国、英国、法国、德国、加拿大等地方发行,备受时尚界关注。Vman杂志创办于1999年,以季刊形式出版,走的艺术时尚路线,,内容包括时装、艺术、音乐、电影、建筑等。杂志封面固定版式是一个巨大的“V”字,设计上也常利用这个V字来发挥创意,经常有不同的热门女星、名模登上封面及内页,演绎风格独特的时装大片。VMAN magazine was created for a 21st-century kind of manone who is stylish and curious, urban and adventuresome, comfortable with himself and at home in the world. The magazine spotlights up-and-comers and shines a new light on more established stars, while also uncovering fascinating new trends, ideas, styles, destinations, and objects for the man who needs to stay up to date with the latest and greatest in international society and culture. With an influential readership that includes both rising underground talents and well-known names in art, fashion, entertainment and media, VMAN is a new kind of mens magazine for the new kind of man.





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