《名利场》(Vanity Fair),老牌生活时尚杂志,1913年创刊,报道对象多是上流人物、演艺明星、时尚先锋,其摄影力量在美国主流期刊中数一数二,较有名的有女摄影师安 妮·莱伯维茨以及马克·塞利格(Mark Seliger)、蒂姆·沃克(Tim Walker)等。1935年后因为大萧条导致销量大幅下降而停刊,1981年复刊后常刊出当红明星的照片写真,报道明星私生活,同时刊登新闻、评论、随 笔等有一定深度的内容。From entertainment to world affairs, business to style, design to society, Vanity Fair is a cultural catalyst, inspiring and driving the national conversation. Now the magazine has redefined storytelling for the Digital Age, bringing its high-profile interviews, stunning photography, and thought-provoking features to your device in a whole new way.
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