2D Artist

这是一本关于概念艺术,数位及matte painting绘画的全球性发行的杂志,2DArtist杂志着重介绍绘画技术,绘画教学指南,艺术家访谈,艺术家作品,艺术设计方案综述以及作品画廊.尽管2DArtist杂志也收编 艺术新闻,并开设艺术评论专栏,但是我们杂志的观念是,我们不是提供最新艺术信息的杂志,在线艺术新闻和CG网站是更新最快最丰富的提供此类信息的媒体.
2DArtist is the magazine for CG and digital artists around the globe, whether you already work in 2D or are just getting started. Each issue is full of techniques, tutorials, interviews, articles, project overviews and galleries. Every jam packed magazine will provide you with the perfect platform from which to improve your 2D skills, learn from the professionals and get inspiration for your next project.