《新建筑》自1925年初创刊以来一直与建筑师、业主、建筑学学生以及业内同仁相互依托传递建筑资讯。《新建筑》对当代日本建筑详尽的展现、高质量的照片和线图赢得无数建筑师的赞誉。随着时间迁移,《新建筑》形成了独特的视角.传播建筑界的新思想‘新设计。Shinkenchiku features the recent architecture in Japan. It also covers architectural topics such as environmental issues, urbanism, and renovation projects with a unique editorial point of view. The magazine has been introducing well-designed architectural projects since 1925. Cutting-edge projects are shown with high-quality graphics that are of artistic value as well. Accompanying drawings are useful for professional architects.
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