Popular Mechanics,中文名–大众机械,大众机械师,大众机械学,杂志报道机械设备新产品和新工艺,以及科学与技术进展,包括汽车以及家庭、店铺和户外用机械产品,是美国主要的机械科普杂志。它是关于科学和技术的最新进展将影响你的房子,汽车,消费的电子产品,计算机,甚至你的健康。为好奇的想法提供答案。
Popular Mechanics is for people who have a passion to know how things work. It’s about how the latest advances in science and technology will impact your home, your car, consumer electronics, computers, even your health. Popular Mechanics – answers for curious minds.
Let’s be honest. You pride yourself on being a jack-of-all-trades, but when it comes to those tough fix-it projects, you aren’t quite up to par. Or maybe you are an expert handyman, but need a little refresher on certain aspects. Popular Mechanics is designed for both the master and the novice. The premiere do-it-yourself magazine features how-to articles on electronics, woodworking, home improvement, science and technology and automotive repair. Reviews of new products as well. Simply put, it is the only fix-it resource you need.
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