《Lighting & Decor》是一本光鲜的月刊杂志,一个快速响应,可自定义的网站,每周电子新闻稿,社交媒体和视频-涵盖照明和风扇以及家居装饰类别,如镜子,枕头,墙壁装饰,家具,地毯,桌面和 更多。 它将以印刷和数字形式提供给40,000个购买影响者。Lighting & Decor — with a glossy monthly magazine, a responsive, customizable website, weekly e-newsletters, social media and video — covers lighting and fans as well as home decor categories like mirrors, pillows, wall decor, furniture, rugs, tabletop and more. It goes to 40,000 purchase influencers in print and digitally.
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