[瑞典版]Dorian 超时尚男士风情同志杂志 2013年春季刊 N20

2013年4月9日 0 条评论 1.03k 次阅读 0 人点赞

Welcome to Gay Life in Style with Dorian Magazine – World's Most Fashionable Gay Magazine. Each issue invites you to Dorian's glossy universe of style and substance and with more than thirty pages of cutting edge fashion.
Beautiful top model Louis Lemaire is covered from many angles on the cover of the big, yearly trend focused spring issue, in which we define the most attractive, relevant fashion- and lifestyle tendencies and products.
We say "Shalom" to the sizzling melting pot Tel Aviv, aka "Miami of the Middle East" and tour the entire country of Israel, with its gorgeous men and very intriguing culture.
We meet Les Miserables-star Eddie Redmayne and the next Skarsgård: Gustaf, Androgynous rockstar Yohio, pop ingénues Say Lou Lou and much more.
Desire Obtain Cherish Star model agent Cristophe Sanchez-Vahle
We try scalp pigmentation – the must try grooming treatment for men with thinning hair.
Are gays becoming desensitized to romance? Is it all about big bulge online action?





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