[英国版]Bizarre 潮流纹身刺青边缘文化杂志 2013年合集(全12本)

2013年12月7日 0 条评论 1.39k 次阅读 0 人点赞

Bizarre 是一份英国Dennis Publishing出版的边缘文化杂志,从1997年创刊出版至今。内容涵盖边缘文化中的LGBT亚文化、恋物文化、嗑药文化等亚文化议题。
Bizarre covers alternative culture through interviews with counterculture personages, and articles about LGBT culture and drug, fetish, and other subcultures. It also reviews the work of avant-garde directors, musicians, authors, and visual artists—and of those who have a cult following.
The magazine’s news coverage includes unusual news events from around the world; development and impact of legislation concerning censorship, civil liberties, sex offences, and occasionally, incidents of human rights abuses. Articles in Bizarre have examined the Manchester police’s Operation Spanner of 1987, Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, British legislation banning “extreme pornography”, and the Terrorism Act 2000. After the murder of Sophie Lancaster in 2007, Bizarre campaigned for awareness of bigotry against people who exhibit some form of cultural deviance.
Like lad mags, issues of Bizarre commonly feature a semi-nude female model on the front cover, and reviews of weird gadgets, films, music, and websites.





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